I started an online knitting community and it’s my pride and joy! Check it out at KNIT.club

KNIT club brings together the knitters + designers of knitting’s new wave to join designer hosted KALs, share WIPS + FOs, up our game with skill and project based courses, knit together on weekly zoom knitting circles, + OBVZ gossip so that we can share the joy of knitting. This is a multi media knitting experience, not an antiquated web forum.
The ~cLuRb~ welcomes all levels of knitters~ those interested in learning from step 1 through designer / master. There’s always more to learn in knitting and there’s always a need for a shoulder to cry on when you need to frog frog frog.
WHO’S UP IN THE CLURB: this is a queer AF space, this is a space that welcomes BIPOC knitters, this is an inclusive zone. Trolls will be cast out and publicly shamed. If you have any questions- feel free to email hi@knit.club
Whats happening in there!

KNITclub hosts KALS and a part of them is usually some sort of fun show and tell ^^ see the frogs and toads at a tea party. And a weekly knitting circle on zoom. We also have workshops! I’m most excited about this upcoming one hosted by Jane Addams. See the teaser video below and enjoy the music!
KNITclub is also a great forum for asking questions about your projects, suggestions for yarn comps, inspo etc. We also have fun topics that you can post in such as YARN THOT and pet knits. Below a wonderful example of pet knitting at its finest by Sirena Mazzone.

Please do join us in KNITclub (its free) and so fun! Theres a lot more to tell you about the clurb but its better to just come and see…..like the great yarn rotation of 2022.